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The Perfect Amazon Kindle for You

August 12, 2013

You are on a hunt for the best Amazon Kindle that fits perfectly for you, you say? Well, you better get on your feet and start strolling on gadget stores! But then again, seeing those tablets one by one makes it harder and harder for you to choose—leaving you stuck in a rut. It would’ve been better if you have checked every kindle’s specs as you exhaust the internet than exhausting your feet, wouldn’t it?

Now, before jumping to buying tablet accessories afterwards, check out this list of Amazon Kindles so you could choose the best one for yourself right off the bat:

#1: Kindle Paperwhite

Paper-what? White! Yes, indeed; I kid you not! This Amazon Kindle Paperwhite is said to be the retail giant’s latest e-reader that comes with a screen light, letting you read in the dark. Perceiving the name, it would feel like reading a real book in a room that is well illuminated—even at night. It has even a sharper, easier to read e-ink screen so you could get your eyes glued to the screen as you read. Hah! Ideally, this Kindle is for people who like to read while they commute—or just simply a real wide-reader who reads regardless if the room is well-lit or not. Drawback counts only on its storage. It can only accommodate up to 2GB storage, and you can no longer expand it by adding a microSD card. Although there is a free Amazon cloud storage, it will be no good if you are in places where you can’t be connected to the internet wirelessly. Nevertheless, it has an eight-week battery life so you could finish those stored eBooks in no time. [£109]

#2: Kindle Fire

You want a Kindle that could spoil your eyes from the vivid colors it produces? Then, grab this Kindle Fire in your hands! This 7-incher, evidently, has slightly bigger screen than the standard Kindle models that are usually about 6 inches. It also has stereo speakers, 8GB of storage, and is powered by a dual-core processor. It is best for people who are used to reading magazines or books which are fond of color illustrations. Those vivid colors make you drool, huh? But here is the catch: it can be a real battery drainer, faster than the usual black and white versions. Reading in direct sunlight would be tad bit hard as well as you can lose the e-ink sharpness. Not to mention, it is also the heaviest of the Kindles as it weighs 400g. It has a battery life of only 9 hours in a single charge. Nevertheless, it has a lively and lovely color screen that you can enjoy not just in reading but also in gaming and watching movies. [£129]

Once you’ve got your Kindle, better get that USB charger as well with you. Enjoy the Kindle that will suit your taste! Have fun reading; have fun with Kindle!

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